Roberta’s Medication Monitoring

This case study highlights a real-life example of how our services proved invaluable to a family and their loved one, Roberta, by monitoring the effects of a new medication.

  • Roberta was a check-in client that for weeks, was always a sleep during her 3 AM and 7 AM check-ins.
  • Our virtual caregiver noted that one night, Roberta was ambulating at 3 AM and 7 AM. As a result, our virtual caregiver notified the family of this and generated her check-in report to send them.  The family informed the virtual caregiver that they had just put her on a new medication.
  • They decided they wanted to do full monitoring for a week so they could make sure her medication was correct and not interrupting her sleep. We transitioned the check-in service to nightly 12 hour monitoring shifts for one week and provided them with the nightly reports to share with her care team.
  • From this data, they were able to see that after the first few nights, Roberta was responding well to the medication and had returned to sleeping through the night.
  • We then switched Roberta back to her check-in service.


Roberta was a client who had been using our check-in service for several weeks. The OneKey Virtual Care system performed regular check-ins at 3 AM and 7 AM, ensuring her safety and well-being. However, over a span of weeks, our virtual caregivers noticed a concerning pattern – Roberta was consistently awake during these check-ins.

Identifying the Issue

Recognizing the significance of this irregularity, our vigilant virtual caregiver delved deeper into the situation. One night, during a 3 AM check-in, they observed Roberta ambulating within her home. It was a red flag that couldn’t be ignored. Our virtual caregiver promptly notified Roberta’s family of this unusual behavior and immediately generated a check-in report for them to review.

Medication Change

Upon receiving the report, Roberta’s family disclosed an essential piece of information – they had recently introduced a new medication to her regimen. This revelation prompted them to consider the possibility that the medication might be interfering with her sleep patterns. They decided to pursue a more thorough monitoring approach to assess the medication’s impact on Roberta’s sleep.

Transition to Full Monitoring

With the family’s consent, we transitioned Roberta’s care from the regular check-in service to nightly 12-hour monitoring shifts. This comprehensive approach allowed us to closely monitor her activities and sleep patterns throughout the night. Each morning, we provided the family with detailed reports to share with Roberta’s care team.

Data-Driven Insights

Over the course of the week, the data collected through our motion-activated cameras and vigilant virtual caregivers offered valuable insights. After the first few nights of monitoring, it became evident that Roberta was responding positively to the new medication. Her sleep patterns gradually returned to normal, and she began sleeping through the night.

Returning to Check-In Service

With confidence in the effectiveness of the medication, we transitioned Roberta back to her regular check-in service. The data-driven decision-making process not only ensured her safety and comfort but also provided Roberta’s family with peace of mind, knowing that her medication was having the intended effect.


This case study illustrates the power of OneKey Virtual Care in monitoring the well-being of elderly individuals. Our innovative combination of motion-activated cameras and dedicated virtual caregivers allowed us to identify potential issues, work collaboratively with the family, and implement a data-driven solution to assess the impact of medication changes on Roberta’s sleep patterns.

By transitioning from a basic check-in service to comprehensive monitoring, we were able to ensure Roberta’s health and comfort while providing her family with actionable insights. OneKey Virtual Care continues to empower families and caregivers by delivering real-time, data-driven solutions that improve the quality of life for elderly individuals like Roberta.